It came down to the bottom of the 5th inning. The Cubs were clinging to a one-run lead and were just one out away from victory. But the Yankees had the potential tying run at third and winning run at second. A tiring Mick Madden was facing the dangerous Greg Martin. Down in the count 4-1, Mick painted the outside corner of the plate with a letter-high fastball, but Martin ripped a screaming line

headed for the right field corner and a Yanks win. However, the lightening-quick Parker Garrett speared the frozen rope to preserve the Cubs victory and square their record at 3-3.

Once again the Cubs put together a tremendous team effort. Trevor Meyer walked twice and scored two runs; Alex Tate produced an RBI single and made a stellar catch in center field; Charley Casey pitched 2+ strong innings; Jack Bapst and Jack Fiscella each scored runs (the latter, after performing an Indian-like rain dance); Jordan Bass took one for the team getting hit by a pitch; Brandon Shockley drew a key walk after working the count full; and Blake Byrd and Parke Shalon making outstanding contributions.
The Cubs play again on Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting for the latter. The Cubs are planning a Sunday post-game gathering at Twisted Taco.

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